14 Killed in California Shooting


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

9/29 Obesity Narrative


  1. Group E, Jacive, Luis, CarolSeptember 29, 2015 at 8:19 AM

    Group E, Jacive, Luis, Carol.September 29, 2015

    Hi. We choose the photo number 3 which correspond to the subject of nutrition. Currently is a social problem that has impact in development of obesity. The kids are a crucial target because their eating habits begin in childhood, the have to learn to choose healthy or processed food. This decision nay have an impact on their future, since they may developed other diseases such as diabetes or hypertension that considerably increase the risk of heart problems and even death. Lifestyle with a lack of exercise and bad diet is still associated more with the risk of developing obesity.
    In conclusion we believe that education is very important for the population about their dietary habits mainly the kids as well as promoting physical activity.

    1. Im agree with you because obesity is one of the most important problems of health and we can prevent this problem with health education in this way the children can take decision about wich type of is is healthy for everyone.

  2. Group Suhey, Rosalba Mendoza y Angelica

    The nutritional education should be start as early ages.
    This picture shows us the importance to make good decisions about a healthy food. For this type of selection is too important start education at home since early ages to improve the quality of food that we eat, in this way we can prevent the child obesity and overweigth. It ‘s necessary that the schools offers to the pupils healthy foods. The parents have to help with this objetive providing an adecuade lunch. Other important point is the education through of nutrition class at schools that teach the pupil like to have a equilibred diet. With this changes of the style of live is posible to prevent diseases as a myocardial stroke, hypertension, osteoartrhitis, cancer and diabetes.
    The obesity is one the most important health problem around the world, we are all responsable about to take the best decisions about a good lifestyle and improve our quality of life.
