14 Killed in California Shooting


Friday, August 14, 2015

9/22 Cowboys

Listen to the speaker's opinion.

Do you agree with the opinion of the speaker?  Discuss your opinion on the Blog.


  1. The obesity is a big problem, because it causes many other problems. Diseases with diabetes, heart problem, cancer, musculoskeletal system injuries is around the obesity. We could change the habits by eat, include more vegetables and fruits and less sugar, fast food and fat.

    1. What kind of role models should we have for a healthy lifestyle?

    2. I think include mora exercise, and coks more at house, bay a few things previous prepared, and select times fixes for take food, in Mexico is very difficult because the life is very quickly and the most people eat fast food all time.

  2. The obesity actuality it is health problem in the word because increase another disease chronic (2 type diabetes, pressure high, break stoke and more...). The change in the style life, increase the risk the mortality. It's very important eating foods low in the caloric and to make exercise.

    1. What would you like to see in an advertising campaign against obesity?

    2. I like look in the TV estimulation for reducing the use video game player, and the shower other optionts consuming food mix whit healthy food the best presentation.

  3. I agree to the video of AMA obesity now officially a disease, the complication of obesity . The body can't burning the fat, the style life is sedentary, is necessary change the thinking and change the diet makes rich in vegetables, low fat food . The complications problem more frecuently is diabetes and heart problem.

    1. If it is a disease, does that mean is inherently a physical problem or is it a social problem?

  4. The american association now say the obesity is a disease but is there are pressure the same companies to pay drugs and the surgery.
    the obesity have an implication more complicated. the question is who you can you control.
    one question interesting is the result the consumption the more calory.

    1. Yes the whole drug industry and those with money affect where we emphasize our health care dollars.

  5. The obesity is the body mass increase, may be as a result of an disease or not having a healthy life. But I think that if we change our lifestyles like a eat healthy food, make exercise, drink water and go to de doctor when to be necessary, this problem would decrease.

    1. What could we do to make healthy role models more accessible to the general public?

  6. In this video talking about the obesity, this morbility is the big problem in the world and produced diseases heart and Diabetes, for the increase the corporal mass; I think that this disease can be decreased with a changes lifestyle that include Health food and exercise.

    1. What exercise program would you recommend for a very obese person to start with?

  7. The obesity is the disease number one in the world, besides other diseases as result of this, as diabetes, heart diseases, musculoeskeletal system injuries , and more.
    It's very important to change our lifestyles to reduce the incidence of the disease and it's consequences.

    1. How can people start changing diet so that it is not so "painful" to change?

  8. Hello, I agree that people, who have the problem of obesity, must ask for help, as it only could not, so would affect much of your health and even more self-esteem, so they need medical, psychological treatment and that the family support treatment.

    1. Family support is so important. We need "fast healthy food"!

  9. Hello, I agree that people, who have the problem of obesity, must ask for help, as it only could not, so would affect much of your health and even more self-esteem, so they need medical, psychological treatment and that the family support treatment.

    1. Family support is so important. We need "fast healthy food"!

  10. The obesity is big problem in all the world, because it the causes of many diseases as hypertension, diabetes, heart problem, cancer, circulatory problems, injuries and around the obesity. We could change the habits in the population for eat, include more vegetables and fruits and diets less of sugar, fast food and fat. And programs of exercise in all ages.

    1. What is the first step in making these changes? How do we motivate people to start?

  11. This is my comment of the article: NEARLY 1 BILLON OBESE PEOPLE IN DEVELOPING WORLD.
    The cause of the increase at obese people may be the changer in the lifestyle and the availibility of procesed foods. This can reduce with laws tended to reduce i the cook with low fats and oils and the eat vegetal or seafood.
    Other problem is the life sedentary and moore less phisics activities.
