14 Killed in California Shooting


Friday, August 14, 2015

9/22 - Spurs

Listen to the speaker's opinion.

Do you agree with the opinion of the speaker? Discuss your opinion on the Blog.


  1. I'm agree. The Obesity is a problem in the world. This is because the people not exercise ang consume fast food.

    1. What would you recommend for a very obese person to do to start exercising?

  2. The obesity is a desease that affects the whole body also affects health systems. It's considered a desease that contribute to other deseases. For me it's also a social problem causing high costs in the health system. Legislator should take action to regulate and prevent obesity. From genetically side is considered a disease that is treatable.

    1. You are absolutely right about the cost. Maybe that will get our governments to act with more health care dollars!

  3. Yes, I agree with the speaker, the obesity could be seriosly affect the health of the people if eating habits are not changed.

    1. I think that Is a actual deseases because it alters the physiological state of obese and affects their systems.

    2. Yes probably a physical disease and a social issue both.

  4. Caro Magana September 23, 2015 at 19:00.
    Obesity is a crucial public health issue with significant medical, psychological, economic and social consequences, and there is no simple response to it. Obviously, the prevention and management of obesity need to target its complex and multifaceted causes. The New York Times ( Feb, 21, 2014).
    I believe that obesity is the leading public health problem in my country. In 2013 the first places in cases of obesity in women and children was obtained , which affects direct relation to cardiovascular disease at an early age and Diabetes Mellitus.
    Recently we conducted an investigation in my workplace where we find the benefits of bariatric surgery in the local population finding both surgical and post-surgical 2% less complications , and getting great benefits such as reduced risk of chronic diseases (cardiovascular and metabolic ) to 80% .
    A good friend of mine fell 50% of its weight in one year , and commented "sarcastically that the pay for his gastric bypass to bypass his heart .

    1. Very interesting Carolina. Did your study offer bariatric surgery to the local population or just study those who had the surgery?


    2. Only the study was conducted in patients who already had surgery performed bariatric surgery is not offered as an option to combat obesity in all public hospitals. This interesting article presents one of the best expert in bariatric surgery in Mexico http://www.scielo.org.mx/pdf/bmim/v65n6/v65n6a13.pdf

  5. Caro Magana September 23, 2015 at 19:00.
    Obesity is a crucial public health issue with significant medical, psychological, economic and social consequences, and there is no simple response to it. Obviously, the prevention and management of obesity need to target its complex and multifaceted causes. The New York Times ( Feb, 21, 2014).
    I believe that obesity is the leading public health problem in my country. In 2013 the first places in cases of obesity in women and children was obtained , which affects direct relation to cardiovascular disease at an early age and Diabetes Mellitus.
    Recently we conducted an investigation in my workplace where we find the benefits of bariatric surgery in the local population finding both surgical and post-surgical 2% less complications , and getting great benefits such as reduced risk of chronic diseases (cardiovascular and metabolic ) to 80% .
    A good friend of mine fell 50% of its weight in one year , and commented "sarcastically that the pay for his gastric bypass to bypass his heart .

  6. Hi, Criste. The obesity is a disease whose etiology includes: lifestyles, genetic, endocrine, neurophysiological causes, microbiological aspects, social determinants, environmental factors, etc. Actuality it’s a public health problema because for it implications. It must be changing lifestyles, which involves dietary changes, exercise, medication or surgery.

    1. What kind of advertising would you like to see to promote healthy role models?

  7. Hi.

    My opinion is that the obesity is a disease multi factor, when the principal problem is endocrine posteriotity the increased consumption of fast food, and the people it does not exercise.
    I´m agree whit this opcion, because aside to consume this food, I think so that the it will be educate people on which food to eat to keep healthy fast food.

    1. Do you think people should be "tested" for the tendency towards obesity? Are there genetic markers for this "disease"?

    2. Hi, Criste.

      I think that everybody have this genomica tendency, that just potentialises with bad food and lack of excercise that every person.

  8. GILBERTO CALDERON TINOCOSeptember 23, 2015 at 8:01 PM

    Obesity is a public health problem that affects more people everyday. One of the mail causes is poor eating habits and have a sedentery lifestyle

    1. How should a very obese person begin to address his problem?

  9. The obesity is usually defined as having a indice body mass than 30 , around 15-20 % of pregnant women are obesity. Overweight does increase the risk of complication for both, These risks can be gestacional diabetes, high blood presssure, pre-eclampsia y other problems. Eating healthily and doing exercises is good for any pregnant women

  10. I listen the stressed words and I find challenging to pronounce many of there for example: all, always, alive, also, almost, better, best, brother, bottle, burn, bit, begin, both, but, cut, cat,cramps, river, travel, very, voice,word,warm, happen, happening, starting, we, went,plane, lie, low, end, ending, when,get, getting,meet, men, much,most, interesting,word, building, what, where, when, wich, why, while, with, woman,
    I think is too important practice all the vocabulary in this way improve to pronounce.

  11. I agree with the video because I believe that if obesity is a disease that is affecting the entire population, we can see from adults and children. At present there are drugs used to counteract overweight, unfortunately, you do not have a control with a nutritionist or a doctor specializing in weight control. Obesity in Mexico ranks first, this is worrisome because they develop chronic degenerative diseases, which has become a major theme in units of primary care.

  12. The obesity is considered just part of a disease includes what we call metabolic síndrome.However the obesity alone causes many health problems at an early age.
    the obesity also can be for many reasons not just eating habits,
    There are hormonal,genetic, tumor problems and of course the food are know as eating habits an unhealty exercise.
    It remain a cause but has everything to be a disease with multiple origins

  13. Obesity is the most several problem public health,(in my personal opinión), it´s have implications all field: economic, social, culture, psico, and especially in health. Obesity is outcome of a bad lifestyle, persons that eat food big amount, with higher intake. As a result of the obesity the people develop disease in differents organs as a endocrino, cardiovascular, liver, etc, inclusive before that this illness emerge the body have many changes bioquimicals mean problem health.
