14 Killed in California Shooting


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

9/29 Obesity Narrative Cowboys Group C

Work with your group. Choose one of the photos and write a narrative (using the photo) of at least 150 words.


  1. Our group 1 are Rocio Ortiz Cabrera, Blanca Patricia Ponce del Angel, Salvador Luna Rodriguez and Maria del Pilar Rivera think about:
    In the picture we can see, the repercussion in the secondary function of the heart in morbid obesity .
    The risk of death from heart disease has risen considerably in this people on the world due the accumulation of fat in coronary arteries whit the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
    One of the causes of this problem has been the change in our eating habits and sedentary lifestyles that today is common in our times.

  2. Maria del Pilar RiveraSeptember 29, 2015 at 10:15 AM

    Our group 1 are Rocio Ortiz Cabrera, Blanca Patricia Ponce del Angel, Salvador Luna Rodriguez and Maria del Pilar Rivera think about:
    In the picture we can see, the repercussion in the secondary function of the heart in morbid obesity .
    The risk of death from heart disease has risen considerably in this people on the world due the accumulation of fat in coronary arteries whit the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
    One of the causes of this problem has been the change in our eating habits and sedentary lifestyles that today is common in our times.
