14 Killed in California Shooting


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

9/29 Obesity Narrative Roadrunners Group A

Work with your group. Choose one of the photos and write a narrative (using the photo) of at least 150 words.


  1. Group A. “The alimentation in the evolution of man”

    We may think that our food has remained static in the course of history but this is not so.
    Since the appearance of man on earth, the kind of food that he had to eat for sustenance, has varied through the "times" because it was forced to adapt to those who had closer and was easier to obtain with the few tools they had.
    In the early days man lived as hunter and gatherer of food from nature, with this activities these men exercised and maintained a healthy body.
    It was thought that to become sedentary primitive man had necessarily start a process that would improve their existence, although in the field of food happened otherwise.
    Although nowadays the man has a variety of food and resources to exercise not fail to benefit we believe that the emergence of fast food (especially the soda) is the main cause of obesity and various chronic diseases.

    1. The group A chose the picture number 2. The team agrees Rosario, Lorena and Teresa.

  2. Hello! We are team D: Rosalba, Rafael an Leonardo.
    Evolving to Obesity.
    Since the beginning of time eating healthy has always been a way of life in us humans; When we lost our way? This photo represents our past and our future, but we are really well now. In our present gene obesity he had into our DNA.
    time ago the people ate more vegetables, and fruits they had not vehicles, they had more physical activity, changed the eating less, physical activity and has been modified metabolism, therefore this picture represents the change that we made to our metabolism and how sick people in our age.
    The more man advances in technology and life, is most common the diseases as obesity, because the people eat unhealthy food and they don't exercise. Since the lifestyle is more sedentary and everyone will go to rush the feeding to change. If we continue down this path, instead far better the human species, we will be a sick humanity.

  3. Group A. We choosed the same picture, and we are agree with you. Humanity most change our lifestyle, because the obesity is a mundial problem.

  4. Fat Diminisher By Wes Virgin is a best natural formula to lose your weight and get rid from obesity with the help of herbs and minerals.
