14 Killed in California Shooting


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

9/29 Obesity Narrative Spurs Group A

Work with your group. Choose one of the photos and write a narrative (using the photo) of at least 150 words.


  1. The obesity is a big problem around the word, The developing and increased in the heart diseas, diabetes and other affections begin with obesity. The most important is to teach to kids to do exercise, and eat little portions of healthy foods .

  2. Obesity: a disease or esthetic condicion?
    I think about obesity is a disease, because when a patient was excess in your weight body he was changes in his/her metabolism, these changes could be different for each people because on depend of individuality circumstances. But everybody have abnormalities in levels of bioquimical index (cholestherol, triglicerides, glycemia, hepatic enzimes…), if not yet have disease

  3. The obesity also calls for the intervention of multidisciplinary healt, since the people who only have this disease, a lot of the times feel sorry for themselves and think your problem is just aesthetics without realizing how serios health problems that they live.

  4. Group A of the group 1September 29, 2015 at 12:30 PM

    Soledad Lugo. The obesity need the intervention of multidisciplinary health.
    Diana Ceballos In this time the obesity is a problem Global and every day is most important.
    Hugo Edgar.- The obesity is a great problem of health at world, because is increased progressively.
    Annabell Gutierrez . Obesity around the word is a big problem. The most important is to teach to kids to do exercise and eat little portions of healthy foods .

  5. We chose the picture 3, because it represents poor diet currently under way in most households worldwide. A cause could be the lack of time for parents to prepare healthy food, as the current lifestyle requires greater permanence away, favoring frequent fast food consumption, which contains large amounts of calories that surpass the requirements needed per day. Resulting in poor eating habits , sedentary lifestyle with weight gain. Causing the appearance of obesity-related diseases at an early age.

    1. Group 1 Team A integrants:
      Maria Esther Gloria
      Fabiola Alday
      Gilberto Calderon
      Domingo Manuel Castro
