14 Killed in California Shooting


Thursday, August 13, 2015

9/24 - Video - Pronunciation Practice - "Stress and Intonation"

1. Read the text with the video. Listen for the stressed words
2. Practice saying the dialogue with the stressed words.
2. Write in the blog: What words or phrases do you find challenging to pronounce?

My friend / has a new job. He is WORking / as an IT specialist / for the new bank / that Opened / down the street. He's exCIted / because he gets to creATE / his own poSItion / since the bank is new. The pay is good too. That's LUcky / because his wife / recently lost her job. She has been apPLYing / all over town / for the past two months / and HASn't had any luck. Now she's going to take one month off, reLAX, and then try again.

Source: English Online with Speak Method: https://youtu.be/Wv6g3Og_b2w


  1. I practice the exercise. The words or phrases as i challenging to pronounce are: as an it. To creATE. In general i try to improve my pronunciation. I think i have difficult whit a lot of words. However in this case i felt i don't have too much problem.

  2. Hello, Everybody!
    I watched the video and it's very educacional, I served to reinforce previously learned knowledge. I practice the exercise and the words or phrases more challengig for me is: exCIted, apPLYing, but I hope that with practice to improve my pronunciation.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Rosalba I'm like you I need more practice too. I would have more practice whit somebody who hepl me in my intonation

    3. I agree with my colleague Rosalba Delgadillo difficulty in pronouncing some words.

  3. For me it's difficult to pronunce the words:

  4. Luis Abraham Montes de Oca ResendizSeptember 24, 2015 at 7:27 PM

    Hi Mrs. Criste Tonra:

    Before I watching this video, I had not paid attention on how the English Language is important the intonation and the stress words. After seeing the video I know thath it's important. By practicing this reading which is marked with capital letters on the important words , it's a little easier to read. The words I had difficulty pronouncing were " Applying " and " LUKC " . The latter because I think what is the correct pronunciation as comparing it with de word "LOOK".

  5. Hi Miss Criste !!
    I watched and listened to the video entitled "Stress and Intonation". I agree with my colleague Rosalba Delgadillo difficulty in pronouncing some words.
    The words that I found difficult to pronounce were: UK, happen, Shanxy, and appling. I was practicing his pronunciation. My regards.

  6. Hello!
    I have many problems with many words, because my spanish not good (I lisp [seseo]) so my english is bad too. I need to learn as words sound. This video is very important becausa I listened to the stress and intonation of some words.

    1. Hi Leonardo don't worry all have errors in our pronunciation and intonation, only need more practice. I'm sure that you can do it.

  7. Really, the informal English is for me more hard because the pronunciation is faster .
    I have trouble intonation but especially the use of prepositions.
    I need study more and learn best the English. In that I am

    1. In my opinion, it's very difficult to listen in English, but with time I understand more. The dificult word for me are: creATE, HASn't, apPLYing and relax.

  8. The intonation in English is very important when you are speaking, if you want that the other people understand you.
    In Spanish we use accents, but in English are stress words. You have to speak louder in the syllable the stress word and put intonation in the sentence. Another important thing is make pauses between phrases
    The only way to learn intonation is heard speaking in English.
    In this video I found the following words or phrases whit changes in the pronunciation.


    Is working
    He’s exited
    That’s lucky
    She has been applying

    I need more practice, what about you?

    1. Roos I have problems with my English, so you not! you speaks perfect!! but the strees words are very difficult !! I need more practice too!

    2. Hi Ross!!!
      Agree with you, we need practice more and more, trying to speak and learn to hear the correct intonation!

      See you later..

  9. Excellent tool to learn and understand the pronunciation.
    i doubt few phrases:
    is working, he's excited, been applying.

  10. Hi Criste!!
    I think this is a good video about the intonation that is given to words in English, perhaps equivalent to the accents in Spanish, but I would like to learn and practice more this intonation to let me know and you are not left with face " that will be talking about this girl? " ahaha. The words, that I can listen with intonation are: work, exicted, position, lucky,relax. I hope to learn an other more! :D Regards!!!!

    Atte Carol Santoyo

  11. The words that I found with change to pronounce are / working, it, create, position, applying and relax, the phrases are/ for the new bank, He's excited, that's lucky, Hasn't had any luck.
    I think that "stress words" help to speak correctly and the other people understand the conversation. It's a good tactic, but for me the USA people speak very quickly and sometimes I'm not detect the stress words and therefore I need more practice to listen.

  12. Hi Criste!!
    This video is very interesting, it teachesus good pronunciation of the words. It's often difficult to pronounce words we do not know. More than words with stress, I was difficult words that are like to get together and form only one.In this text, for me, the most difficult words are: specialist, he gets to, his own, since, recently and lost

  13. Blanca Patricia Ponce del AngelSeptember 27, 2015 at 6:37 PM

    It is a very good video, she says clearly and understand words , if difficult to pronounce them , but I think every time practicing will be easier, therefore , I hope not to stress this week.
    Nice start to the week and we learn more about the English language

  14. It is a very interesting video helps to educate the ear , but in practice it is difficult for me to identify the stress in words. Concerning the video I think the most difficult words for me are : create, applying, excited and the fluency to speak.
    If we have a good pronunciation to speak it is unlikely that we give to understand

    1. You have said something very true, "we have to educate our ears". It`s so difficult por everybody but this time in Texas help us!

  15. Hi the words as i Challengin are:
    Is very dificult,I need to practice, record to myself, and lisent It

  16. Hello Criste:
    I watched twice the video of "Stress and Intonation" there are many words about she pronounce that I think I knew but after I listed her carefully I realize to it's difficult because the stress in some words is different when I try to speak English.
    The words is less easier to pronounce to me in this video are:
    I need more speaking practice to improve my speaking English


    Jacive Jimenez

    1. I agree with you Rosario, find the syllable where the word takes the stress for me is very difficult, and speak well because when you are in a conversation can not stop to think about it, this should be an habit that we will to learn.
      Now to practice and practice

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hi , good afternoon ... for me it's a complicated video but it's ilustrative, we are watching The Importance in Correctly use words with stress and pronunciation, and need expression, gesticulation it's very important, to understand something ideas.
    the word that I have greater difficulty in pronuinciar are several: scientific , restaurant .. but I think it's a practice more and learn more vocabulary

  19. Hi, Mrs Tonra
    The intonation of words is very important in this language, because it gives meaning to the phrase we are saying, if we don't have a good intonation is difficult deliver the message. But for me it is difficult to remember the intonation and I think listening to music is a way to practice and train our intonation.
    I had difficulty with: Opened and month.

  20. Hi everyone and Mrs. Tonra.
    I liked this video because she separates the paragraph into sentences for take a adequate breaks and breaths. She emphasizes the intonation with uppercase words and the stress word in bold words. This is a way easy for read and speak adequately in English.
    Sincerely Elvia Aguilar

  21. Hi everybody! this topic of the intonation in english is a new topic for me. I had studied english many years ago but my teachers never told me this matter. Now the intonation is in all our classes in Texas. It`s great, now, it will be easiest to understand the english!!!

    1. Hi Suhey. I'm agree with you.
      My english teachers in Mexico never explain me the importance of the intonation. This video is very illustrative for me too

  22. the words that are difficult to understand for me are: own position, recently lost, and one month off.

    Suhey Reséndiz

  23. Hello...
    this exercise made me remember some classes this week, I like practice intonation because I see that in this language is very important the "stress" on certain words, sentences and paragraphs so that other people will understand me. I had more difficulty with: applaying and excited, I hope to continue to practice and improve my pronunciation.

  24. I watched the video by stress word and i think so many of those words or phases are challenge for my and the best idea is practice those words in order to improve my pronunciacion.

  25. I can understand all the words, but it makes it difficult for me say the words

  26. This video show some words with strees, but in sumary the strees content words are nouns, verbs, adjetives, adverbs, question words, negatives and numbers. Is very import learn this practice of pronunciation because only so we will understand with other peoples.

  27. Hi, Criste.

    I've dificult for entonation the word aplying, the phrases it´s clears, but my pronunciation must be more especific in the stress words.

  28. Hello Cristy
    I have been problems to pronounce the phrases: "she has been applayinn". and "now she's going to take one month off" because is very quickly for me. But a have the hope to improve in the next weeks.


  29. In this video i watch the importance from use correct the pronunciation, because the other may, maybe the receptor don't understand the idea.

    1. Im agree with you because in order to use a correct pronunciation we can be clearly and improve our communication with other people.
