14 Killed in California Shooting


Sunday, August 23, 2015

9/22 Roadrunners

Listen to the speaker's opinion.

Do you agree with the opinion of the speaker? Discuss your opinion on the Blog.


  1. Hello! I'm Leo. I think that obesity is a very important disease in the world. Meantime I write this, thousands of people die of complications of obesity, for example heart disease an diabetes.The speaker says about we can help prevent obesity, I agree with prevention of obesity.

    1. Hi Leo I agree the obesity is 100% preventable

    2. Yes probably so. I do think some people may have a genetic tendency towards obesity and we need to make sure "obesity" is defined well.

  2. I agree. The obesity in not a desease itself, because is the result for eat more than the body can use. The only effective treatment is to eat only what you will use

    1. Do you think some families are more inclined to be obese?

  3. Hello! I'm Rosalba.
    I think that obesity is an increasingly common disease, since it is the result of eating more calories than we need, more people with diabetes develops obesity, the obesity is definitely a public health problem. I believe that prevention is the most important, have a healthy diet and make exercise and change in lifestyle.

    1. What is the definition of a "disease" Rosalba? Just wondering...

  4. I'm disagree with opinion of speaker because I think the obesity is a disease. Like another diseases, there are caused by lifestyle not healthy most of the time. the over eating and the sedentarism is the problem but is really , the obesity is most risk factor for another metabolic diseases like diabetes.

    1. Yes it certainly is one of the most important food related issues.

  5. I disagree, we are most aggressive whit this healthy problem. It's a social and cultural problem. The people don't care their healthy.

    1. What is the definition of "disease"? Can it be both physical and social?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Chelvi! I agree witn you, we should be more aware as a society because it is health probleam. I think that is physical and social.

  6. Hi, I'm Carol, I think the Obesity is a real disease, because de population is bigger, and the health problems that are added to this condition makes, is very important for prevent metabolic syndrome.

    1. Do some people still become obese even if they eat healthy foods?

  7. Hi,
    I'm agree with the opinion of the speaker, I think the obesity is more than a person with overweight although it also cause problems with the steem it's a real disease, several studies show that it's a important risk factor to hearth disease, diabetes, dyslipidemias, high blood pressure, etc. And I don't think that do a bariatric surgery was the solution. The people should change your mentality and be convinced to change their lifestyle and work with the children education.
    See you soon.

    1. How do we become a culture with healthy role models vs. too skinny role models?

    2. With a good education from home, teaching us to eat a balanced diet, do not be so shallow in appearance, not leaving us carried away by fads.

    3. With a good education from home, teaching us to eat a balanced diet, do not be so shallow in appearance, not leaving us carried away by fads.

  8. Hi, Mrs Tonra.
    I'm think the obesity is a disease, because is the cause of many problems which diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, vascular brain disease. Many studies said the obesity is a factor of risk for developing metabolic syndrome that increase to opportunity of developing cardiovascular disease. The overweight is considered like a first stages of developing obesity and we can prevent with changes in stylelife.

    1. Yes. We should have an advertising campaign just about metabolic syndrome!

  9. Time ago, the obesity was seen as an aesthetic problem but definitely is a disease which has now increased considerably by the type of food and sedentary lifestyle of people. It is a disease that is usually accompanied by diabetes or increased blood pressure so that it increases the risk of a heart attack.

  10. Luis Abraham Montes de Oca ResendizSeptember 24, 2015 at 8:28 AM

    To conclude my participation in the forum I might add that obesity is a social problem but also influences the choice of each. Although there advertising and easier to get fast food everyone is free to choose what you buy to eat. But then if people do not have information on healthy eating. How their can make a choice?. The education is very important
