14 Killed in California Shooting


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

9/29 Obesity Narrative Roadrunners Group C

Work with your group. Choose one of the photos and write a narrative (using the photo) of at least 150 words.

1 comment:

  1. Group C. Ricardo, Elvia, Jesus, Pamela.

    It shows the most important changes related whit the physical appearance. For example the most important theory about that is men is descending of Homo sapiens to come from other species of hominid. In this picture, we can see about the evolution of men, it shows the changes of the humanity through the years, at the beginning the human had better physical condition because their lifestyle was more healthy, their food were to balanced and their eaten less processed food. That evolution makes men have important changes in this body. However at the last times we are seeing how men have had important modification in the body. The most important causes are changes in eating habits. Today the man had less physical activity because is easier to obtain the food. Currently the food processed contain more fats and carbohydrates to condition to developed obesity.
