14 Killed in California Shooting


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Homework for December 12: Your Opinion: Would gun control curb violence in the US? Does gun control curb violence in Mexico?

Listen to the audio and read along. Answer the opinion question.


Police say at least 14 people have been killed in a mass shooting in Southern California. And another 14 are wounded
The attack happened in San Bernardino at a training center for disabled people.
San Bernardino police chief Jarrod Burguan​ spoke to reporters after the incident. He said it is believed that three gunmen were involved. He said the shooters apparently fled the area. The numbers of casualities may changeand it is not known if the shooting was a terrorist attack.
Burguan said there was a massive response to the shooting. He saidseveral local and state security forces took part
Earlier reports said the shooters may have been dressed in military clothing. A police spokeswoman told the Los Angeles Times that the attackers wereheavily armed and possibly wore body armor.  
bomb squad reportedly was deployed to try to disarm a possibleexplosive device.
This latest shooting comes less than a week after a gunman killed threepeople and wounded nine in an attack at a family planning and health clinicin Colorado SpringsColorado.
In October, a gunman killed nine people at a college in Oregon. In June, a gunman killed nine people at a church in South Carolina.

Caty Weaver wrote this story from VOANews reportsHai Do was the editor.


  1. In this case personally in Mexico and the United States must have control over weapons but it is true that this control is then no problem mocked arms trafficking. What I mean is that it may decrease but it is also important to assess the fators that favor the misuse of weapons. In my review another factor that could reduce these events to raise awareness in society, from the family work.

  2. Venegas Sosa Ana Maria del CarmenDecember 10, 2015 at 10:35 PM

    I think the violence is the same around the world, that's not especific for Mexico, USA, is a social problem but a good control can help for example for the people suffering from some kind of disorder so easili acquire a weapon and if you get it is an easier way to track the offender because when the gun control is correct is
    very useful for tracking down the perpetrator. But that's no is the only problem is a problem social, emotional, mental state, religion yet sultable gun control can help reduce violence

  3. I think that its a interesting theme about how many countries in this case Mexico and USA are doing a effort to eliminate this problems that affect both countries, Mexico as in USA aren't there gun control curb because in many states there is much corruption and it want to say that anyone can buy a gun in many places like candies in the stores, and I think that the Government has a lot to do about this situation if it don changue, to be continue kills in many places

  4. In my opinion the cause of these massacres has its origin in the erosion of our basic values ​​, our principles and our morals. We have lost so much respect for everything that today not even respect the lives of others .

    The Government has the responsibility to regulate the sale of weapons but also we as parents and as members of a society have an obligation to inculcate respect for others. (Lulu Melecio)

  5. It is unfortunate for America, for America and for the world ,
    every time we know more about this kind of news .
    the problem lies I think the lack of values ​​.
    Today the world is in constant change the societies are becoming less tolerant
    this results discussions
    wars , violence , fear.

    I think everything is part of an economic system imposed policitco by the governments of the major powers.
    at the end collateral victims are ordinary people like us.
    sad that society increasingly lost its values.

  6. Edgar Isaias Rivera RuizDecember 11, 2015 at 5:40 PM

    Guns control always has existed in Mexico. The problem of Mexico is the corruption. Everybody knows about that but we are repressed.
    What I know about guns control in USA is about there are some kinds of permissions for carrying on guns. Maybe, there should be more barriers for getting them.

  7. Mi name is Eufracia Ascencio Morales:

    I consider the traffic and proper gun control is a very important issue, because this problem is not specific to one country, does not only affect Mexico or the United States, is a global problem, definitively if use is regulated and arms sales would have more control over the people who were sold and thus used to identify a weapon, but guns are sold without caution to people who are not well sound mind and this causes events like that mentioned in the video.

  8. Hello Criste:

    I think that gun control en Mexico is not real. The Mexican system is broken, governments and their relationships with drug trafficking steal veracity law.
    Violence is the result of the power struggle between gangs fighting for territory. The drug and alcohol abuse among members of these bands and in the people in general are a point trigger to unleash violence anywhere in the world. The Violence won't curb until we have a healthy mind.

  9. Unfortunately at this time, Mexico is going through a very deagradable crisis delinquency and organized crime, and the Mexican government has not fought that situation thoroughly. In Texas there are problems but I think not of the magnitude of Mexico.
    My name is Marco Antonio Lezama Prieto

  10. Hi Cristene.
    The attack happened in San Bernardino at a training center for disabled people.
    It is one of many events around the world, that in spite exiten and programs on the gun control,
    They remain inefficient, terrorist attacks will continue going through a great problem Purchasing power, by which this happens around the world not only in Mexico not only in the United States . this happens to everyone for social problems.

    Att Paulo Tapia

  11. Mexico does not sell high power, automatic guns. The gun control is much more strict than in the US, and making it harder to get a gun would not curb violence because the violent groups use guns and ammo got in the black market, guns from the US and Germany.
    But making it harder to get a gun in the US would curb violence in that country. People should be investigated before they get a gun, and wait for months to hold it.

  12. Hi Criste
    The use of firearms is not regulated is why there are attacks. So I think the government has the responsibility the adoption of new rules governing the use of weapons, not only in the US but worldwide.

  13. Hi. In my opinion, the guns isn't solution for the control of the violenc. I think: violence brings more violence. Everyday I hear news of people killed in criminal hands, found with firearms, and even threatened us both in my country Mexico and EUA. The increased violence, and sometimes even weapons have been used for protection, I believe that in many cases have become a lethal weapon which is used even to kill defenseless people and having nothing to do with the protection of the nation. Now the weapons are not only the government if not the criminals, and has become a power struggle. (Mary Servin)

  14. Anibal E Cruz MontalvoDecember 11, 2015 at 10:04 PM

    I think one of the key points to control violence is the restriction of free access to firearms. It is true that gun control is not the only objective, but this is one of the ways to prevent the occurrence of mass killings. The cultural differences between Mexico and USA determine different sources of violence, but the result is the same, dead people unnecessarily. Definitely require strict policies aimed at controlling access to firearms and policies focused on the education of children and adolescents.

  15. Hi.... Well it may be possible in USA to get more control, people should be investigated before they have one. In Mexico it's not possible, we have too much corruption and very serious trouble with crime organizations.

  16. Hi Criste
    In my opinion, should restrict trade in weapons in the US because in Mexico in any way consumption is regulated by law, so it can only bear arms people's army, a situation that here in the United States if allowed, and any hcaer person can use it, the regulation and arms trafficking linked to the government is a major cause of attacks and incidents.

  17. Hi Criste, I'm Alex Orta. Gun sales overall are steadily increasing in EE.UU, a country whose firearm laws are among the nation’s strictest. But that trend has been mirrored nationwide, even as scores of people have died in recurring shooting massacres. While arms trafficking on the US-Mexico border is undoubtedly big business, the discrepancy between the two estimates highlights the uncertainty of just how many weapons are being trafficked into Mexico.

  18. Hello Criste, I´m Edaena Barajas: I think the violence is actually a major problem in Mexico as well as in other countries; I think the government both Mexico and the United States should have a strict control of weapons and promote education as the absence of this are the actual facts. This knotted awareness of human values would reduce the violence that exists.

  19. I think that violence is a social problem. Increasingly it is shown people with more violent behavior . Arms sales indiscriminately causes people run the risk of being attacked for no reason. For that reason I think it should control this situation as it would help reduce violence.

  20. I think that use of guns only ocupation by trained personnel the departement of Public Security, and the guns should not be easily acquired by the population, that Increases the risk of violence in our society in general causing situations such as those just listen..

  21. Hi.Criste, I'm yolanda bautista....I think that use of guns only ocupation by trained personnel the departement of Public Security, and the guns should not be easily acquired by the population, that Increases the risk of violence in our society in general causing situations such as those just listen..

  22. Hi! I think that violence is out of control now in several countries. However, despite that here in US there's a more demanding in the bearing of arms control, is different from Mexico where we've other problems to be carried out this control, education and corruption.

  23. Hi Criste, I think that violence is increasing for use of guns, this problem not only occurs here, in Mexico it has incresed, because it´s easily acquired weapons.

  24. I think in this time the violence is the same around the world. It is not only problem especific of Mexico and USA, it's a big social problem . The increases risk of violence in our society in general causing situations such as those just listen.

  25. Monica Denise Silva Pérez
    Hi,in my opinion , I think that is a big problem because I know that there are three global business, and one of the most important are the guns, another is the pharmaceutical, and the drugs. The problem begins with the political interests, they only interes money and power, not society. I think that the only thing that we can do is educate and pay more atention our children and make them more human.

  26. I am Jorge Ernesto Morales, violence experienced by American citizens are also a result of the government's position and the population because an armed person must be trained and mentally fit which is not because anyone can get a gun to a high-powered machine gun. not knowing without radical Violena, submissive or beliefs mentality

  27. In my opinion, I think that the use of gun would achieve control violence, because it is a fact that is one of the main factors that violence takes place in any country. Obviously you have to control drug trafficking and delinquency in general and the users of gun are principales these criminal groups.

  28. Maricela Toledo VasquezDecember 13, 2015 at 9:19 PM

    I think that gun control could curb violence, however that isn't the problem. The problem is the corruption because many people can buy weapons without permission.

  29. Hey there
    I think, weapons isn’t the solution as this creates more violent attacks even for defence may cause ptsd. Institutions are to protect the population. The people haven’t to use these resources unfortunately, the people suffering from any kind of theft decean weapons and to not feel protected by the authorities.

  30. Alma Esther Navarro SánchezDecember 13, 2015 at 10:57 PM

    I think that violence and corruption are a major social problem currently derived from the lack of education. It is a problem that has gotten out of control by the government , adding accessibility to the collection of weapons here and in Mexico.

  31. I think thar provide guns to the people isn't the solution for this problem, here in the united states is too common this kind of acts, somebody takes a gun and kills people without reason, in Mexico for example (and this is not an excuse) the guys who kills someone is because they are both in a corrupt work like ( cocaina, marihuana, cristal sold). whenever, guns is no the solution, we need a better education inside our family and provide better oportunities of jobs.

  32. Susana Guadalupe Ordonez Padilla

    I think this situation is very hard to handle it, because i think that maybe if you can carry on with you a small gun you could feel a little mores safe, however, if this situation also applies on the peopla that is not mental stable, it could be a problem because it could happen a disaster.
