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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Obesity Now an Official Disease - Homework for 12/3

Is obesity a "disease" or a "social problem"? Discuss!


  1. Venegas Sosa Ana Maria del CarmenDecember 1, 2015 at 3:18 PM

    In think that in the obese influence both factors, is a social problem and desease. The social problem is in the form of live, the job, and the sedentary live, this factors doesn't put within reach healthy food, is easier and faster to buy fast food and this food have much fat, sugar, and carbohydrate which excess and whit a sedentary live help gain excess weight. But nevertheless other factor influence in a obesity person as genetc, heritage,which become the obese disease which requires treatment and medical control not only balnce diet and excercise.

    1. I think the obesity is a final product the modern life, fast food , little physical activity.
      The fast food industry is very poweful with support from goverments it works to keep selling fast food. The people around the world need to eat healther ande be active.

  2. Everyday it gets easier to eat too much and to not exercice at all. The growing availability of cheaper foods, the increase of the size of servings and the addition of sugar and salt in industrial dishes combine with the modern man’s sedentarier lifestyle to create this health hazardous total social fact. Higher incidences of obesity mean that society will pay more in the future for treatments, procedures, and medications.

  3. I think that obesity is a disease but a disease that can be prevent, but this involves many complications, cause by obesity itselfandd this infuences the eating habits and lack of exercise. It´s definitely a social problem because it covers a large part of the people. but if a prevention program for serious obesity had a rare disease.
    Vianey Valenzuela Garcia

  4. Obesity is preventable for this reason I consider it´s a social problem and not a disease.

  5. Hello....I think that obesity is both a disease and a social problem. Nowadays the prevalency of obesity is increasing. I believe is a multifactorial problem. It affects people from every socioeconomical status, religion, race and gender. The diet, food publicity, sedentary lifestyle, and genetic are the factors that must be taken in count when thinking about how this social problem develops. I think it is a disease too, because obesity might be the cause of other diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

  6. Hi.... well I think de obesity it´s a big problem, social for many things incluide de TV publicity , sedentary lifestyle, the junk food is every where includes the school and a big disease because it´s the beginning of the other diseases (diabetes, HBP, etc).

  7. Well I think the obesity is a public health problem, and should be considered as a disease and complications that can generate multiple long and short term, and also is a preventable disease, so it is important to spread prevention.

  8. In my opinion, obesity itself is a disease, wich is chronic and has multifactorial origin and is preventable. I'ts also a health problem as it's a risk factor for other metabolic disordes such as diabetes mellitus, is a mayor cardiovascular risk factor and cause of many deaths and causes many health care expenses.

  9. I think that obesity is a diseases and a social problem. It can be prevented with the nutritional modification and exercise. Requires medical control for to prevent diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia, among other diseases. During infancy is necesary create good habits

  10. Hi. The obesity is considered a disease what implies other complications, because the company insurance incresed the cost to be disease difficult control. Actually the obesity is a big problem social.

  11. Obesity has several points of view. All these points are related as it is a disease and a wing social problem once, every day is increasing prevalence worldwide, one of the very imprtant causes is diet , lifestyle , sedentary lifestyle and genetics , have obesity us you can bring as consequences other comorbidities hypertension and diabetes and so the patient is deteriorating every day but not leading a normal life

  12. I agree with the American Medical Association that Obesity is a disease with many consequences, it increases the propensity to heart disease and diabetes, both of them increase the mortality and decrease the quality and life expectancy. Moreover we should prevent obesity treating ovefeeding like the video recomended.

  13. I think that the obesity more than a choice is a disease. The obesity have a several complications including sleep apnea, lung disorders, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, hypothyroidism, hypercoagulable state, and others. But also as start being a disease becomes a social problem by high incident and high costs for complication in the aspects that I mentioned, what matters is change the view we have of the disease, preventing it with a style of healthy life, but if already present bariatric surgery is a good option for treatment.

    José Alonso Rivera Ruvalcaba

  14. Obesity can be the result of a pathology such as hypothyroidism, or lack of good habits like do not exercise, eat unhealthy food and be a lazzy person.... Be obese or be in overweight could be the first step in the developmnet of another pathologies like diabetes, hypertension, stroke...

  15. ANIBAL CRUZ MONTALVODecember 1, 2015 at 8:22 PM


  16. the obesity its a important illnes, now is the most important i think, thats is the result of a lot factors,included genes, life style, comorbidities and the others. the most relevant of that is the prevencion for the development illnes, different options to reduce the risk of develop that.

  17. Maricela Toledo VasquezDecember 1, 2015 at 9:09 PM

    I think obesity is a disease but also is a social problem. Actually a lot of people is obese because of the familiar history and lifestyle. Obesity is an important disease because increase the risk of other illness like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. I think we should prevent obesity controlling the way that people eat more than give them medical or surgical treatment.

  18. Obesity is a disease that affects the entire society, the daily number of deaths related to increased obesity and directly affects the economy of the countries , so governments have promoted campaigns against obesity, promoted the change of lifestyle , more exercise , balanced diet , not smoking, and avoid stress to reduce obesity in our society.

    1. I agree with you. It is an important problem in all the world, even in Mexico where the problem is because of kind of food and not eating so much as others countries. Goverments have to encourage new healthy lifestyles.

  19. I think obesity is a disease but at the sametime is a social problem. It is well known that Genetic is implicated most of diseases, and obesity is not the exception. Since our gestations we have the main risk factor which is genetic. Then from we were born, we are exposed to many others factors, such as lactation, lifestyles, whiches includes how we eat and activities we do. So we can talk about both terms.

  20. The definition of obesity as a chronic and avoidable disease are leading experts and health authorities, and other social workers, to know and to think about its evolution in terms of "global" illness (epidemic) and to consider cultural factors as their main cause (obesogenic environment). Paradoxically, the international and national preventive measures taken are focused on changing individual behavior and, in particular, eating habits. The concepts about the regulation of excess weight and food provide interesting information about a particular understanding of lifestyles and culture and they take into account the current promotion of health patterns.
    Alex Orta =)

  21. Obesity is a disease, it is clearly associated as a risk factor for diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, ischemic. there has been increasing obesity in low socioeconomic status which coexists with malnutrition and malnutrition. There are risk factors which we can find that are modifiable such as sedentary, non-modifiable risk factors are the genetic.

    Marlene Hernández

  22. Obesity is a combination of a disease and a big social problem.
    There diseases that may predispose obesity and difficult to control, but most of the time obesity is the result of a poor diet and lack of physical activity.
    More and more health problems that obesity deriban mainly cardiac and diabetes mellitus. Have a poor quality of life.

  23. Alma Esther Navarro SánchezDecember 1, 2015 at 11:11 PM

    Hello, i think that obesity is a major public health problema, associated as a risk factor for developing chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and it increase the risk too of early death. The most important thing is the education and that people aware of the problema, there are modifiable risk factors like improve eating habits and do exercise.

  24. I think that obesity means a cultural problem. The obesity increase the risk to have oter problems like diabetes, hypertension, heart atack We can prevent this problem with educational programs to the childrens and young people.

  25. hi.. in my opinion commenting on the issue of obesity, I think that is a disease by bad feeding culture and technological developments, as a significant number of obese people tend to be sedentary, by reducing physical activities for using ipad, iphone or other devices.

  26. Hi, I consider that obesity is a multifactorial disease, caused in part by social problem. (Lulu Melecio)

  27. good afternoon:

    I think that obesity is a global disease
    you can consider obesity as a pandemic .
    It is a multifactorial disease
    which has multiple and lethal consequences.
    Likewise it can be curable but it is easier to prevent it.
    We must change our lifestyles using the anticipated guidelines at all times

  28. I believe that obesity is a public health problem that affects more and more people it should by feeding people and not exercise. Having obesity creates greater likelihood of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. For this reason we must make prevention programs and nutrition education to reduce the risk of obesity.

  29. Hi. I think that obesity is a desease that have many etiologies including bad habits, just like many other deseases like diabetes, hypertension, COPD, dyslipidemia, etc... That lead to many disturbances in the organism whit many consequences.

  30. hi, I'am Jorge Erneto Morales. I think that obesity is a serious problem that costs much health institutions in are not prepared enough no current budget and changes in nutrition launch polictics, education and prevention programs to combat theses. Veracruz unfortunately we have in the first place in national childhood obesity, fourth in diabates mellitus.

  31. I think the obesity is already considered a disease because of a set of modifiable factors, such as adequate food, exercise, prevention of other diseases. Therefore this disease has become a social problem for large percentage of people in the world to present, changing health systems for the many diseases it causes. The good point about the obesity is prevented by educating people in feeding and not sedentary. Greetings!

  32. Mónica Denise Silva Pérez
    Hi! The obesity is an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may damage health. I think the obesity is a disease because it affects multiple body systems and therefore today is linked to more deaths worldwide. Also I think that any health condition that is disabling for a person and its represented a risk factor to develop other pathologies, is a person diseased.

  33. Hi!Criste , I'm yolanda Batista, well, The obesity is a disease and a social problem but exist other causes as genetic, lifestyle and sedentary lives, I think people should discuss this problem and try to eat more healty .

  34. Hello! My name is Edaena Barajas.
    I think that obesity is a disease and a social problem: disease because is occasioned for many pathologies how diabetes mellitus type 2, metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia; I think a social problem because it´s related the lifestyle, low exercise and a lot fast food. The governments should promote campaings about change of lifestyle, exercise and healthy food for reduce the obesity the world

    Absolutely believe that obesity is a disease, and a great public health problem, considered by OMS as a global epidemic, and it impacts all age groups. It is also a risk factor that increases the likelihood of chronic diseases with increased risk of death and vascular sequelae. Global health problem that must be addressed with the seriousness it deserves.

  36. Hello. I'm María Servin. In my opinion is first a social problem and then a disease; because begins for tendencies of food, lack of time and Money, and low exercise; after it seem a disease and accompanied of other disease, diabetes, hypertension… I think It should start with changes in lifestyle.

  37. Hi, the video let me thinking about the management to obesity if not in the fact That we are wrong about the treatment the obesity Because this is an consequence to disease , so for to Prevent this problem we first learn Have to eat , and management the anxiety for eat , of course is a social problem is now because the government Have to pay partner in medical care in the consecuences that it includes the obesity like diabetes, heart disease and hypertension .In conlcusion the solution is in our hands and it calls preventive medicine .

  38. I think the principal problem is the habits of the must of the people , if we learn how to eat it maybe could be the solution of course is to a social problem , when this status or disease have a consecuences like metabolic alterations and this have to management it converts in a big problem .
    The paper of the doctors is to prevent telling to the patients the consecuences of the obesity .

  39. I think the obesity is a disease that has a multifactorial causes, it is increased for the social enviroment and globalization, If the goverments give a solution for this problem, it has to be a educational work.

  40. I think that obesity is a disease and a social problem as it is the product of several factors, the most modifiable by lifestyle, but recent studies have found "savers" genes, also hormonal problems.

  41. Well the obesity of course is a disease, it had a diagnosis way, tratment and prognosis. But i think that is a social problem to, is product of several causes, sedentary life, fast food and family influence!

  42. Obesity is a multifactorial disease with psychological and social nuances, is for this reason that it is considered a pandemic, it happens to all societies, i believe that treating obesity as a social factor, we can prevent and reduce other diseases that could develop each person

  43. Debate:

    I think that obesity is a disease that can occur caused by multiple factors, including ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia; and also caused by genetic factors that are key point in this pathology.
    On the other hand, in most people with overweight and obesity are caused by lack of energy balance, in other words a metabolic disorder.
    In studies of identical twins who were raised in different households it has shown that genes have a strong influence on a person's weight.
    Therefore I consider obesity as a disease.

  44. I think obesity not is disease, is a social problem condition characterized by the accumulation of excess body fat. We eat more and move less, and this overconsumption trend could very well continue and develop other disease.
    Everyday it gets easier to eat too much and to not exercice at all. The growing availability of cheaper foods, the increase of the size of servings and the addition of sugar and salt in industrial dishes combine with the modern man’s sedentarier lifestyle to create this social problem.

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